

I believe I have a cutter addiction.... thats electronic die cutter for those not in the crafting world!

A small beautiful silver and white cutter has crawled ever so swiftly into my craft room and its making itself heard as I type.   

I have had a pazzles (may it forever be cared for in its forever home....NOT MINE) and a Gazelle and a Blackcat.   It appears that each of them do something slightly different, more impressive and sometimes each has its own quirks that frustrate the ....$%$^W%$&% out of me!  So why this new cutter.

Well... read up to the top line and youll get it.  No really.   I have spent HOURS and hours trying for the perfect print and cut.  And lusted after the Blackcat PRO, when I dont need one as I have a blackcat.   And my perfect print and cut can now be obtained in a few little clicks and cut on my Cameo.  Yep... I didnt even know I was expecting!

Things I love... the PERFECT easy peasy print and cut and the fact that you can actually cut typing paper, not a huge deal I know but think masking of images and youll get why I like that feature.  The mat is low tack and releases the cardstock and paper really easily.  That said, I doubt the mat will last a long time like pazzle, gazzle and blackcat mats do.  So far what do I hate.  Hmm. The mat intake is a bit finiky, the loud and much much slower than the blackcat and gazelle.  I hadnt realised just how fast the cougar was until right about now as I cut a full page of detailed doilies!

Ill post some photos soon.. (after my little precious finishes cutting this page of designs maybe) but I wanted to take step one and say outloud or in type... I HAVE A CUTTER purchasing addiction!

Pen xx

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