
Happy New Year - New Creations

As you know, I mentioned I got a Cameo prior to Christmas.  This is a good and a bad thing.  The good thing is, there are SO many files available to download its just amazing.  The bad thing is I can't export these files as SVG to cut them on my cougar if I wanted to.  The Cameo is fantastic dont get me wrong, but the Cougar is faster and when cutting in bulk speed does matter.  (and he is feeling left out not being used)

Anyway, I purchased a Silhouette Subscribtion with my Xmas money and used a 20% discount too.. and proceeded to buy some files.  I found that I was drawn to Lori Whitlock files and eventually realised that she has You tube tutorials for lots of her files (thats good to know, otherwise I would of NEVER EVER EVER figured out the never ending card file I purchased.)   I saw her acordian file album on You tube and purchased it for a massive $1.99 (yes im being sarcasic over the price) and proceeded to make up these albums.   I made two today, they are so simple and come together easily.   My middle Daughter Georgia got the first album and I filled it with photos that have been sitting in my craft room for two years (from her Primary School Formal) and the second album was for my youngest who just had her formal.  I can see myself using this file for family gifts for photos of the year.  They will keep photo's safe and neat and tidy and I can add to the albums through the year or more likely just make them in bulk in December and print out appropriate photos for each recipient.

You may notice this year that my posts are going to be slightly more photo intensive, I got lazy through 2012 using my ipad for imaging and posting and it really limited the quality of photos. 
I hope to be posting very regularly through the year, and really using my craft room alot. 
Happy New Year Everyone
Thanks for visiting today

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